Memoirs of a Doctor

ISBN: 9789671840993
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Product Details

Publisher,Inspiration Hub
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages, 136

Memoirs of a Doctor is a story my life. The story began from my birthday on 11th January 1952 until my retirement day on 11th Jan 2020. The purpose of my memoir is to document my life story as a legacy for my family, relatives and friends. The story traced back to the tough beginnings of the 1950s when life and society was very backward, industrialisation, computerisation and automation was unheard of. Life was slow and leisurely, letters were sent and read through the postal service, and communication was slow and inefficient. This book is divided into 8 chapters, each chapter describing one stage of my life, with photos relevant to each chapter and a poem before each chapter. The story progressed and unfold with each chapters culminating with the testimony of my retirement in 2020. There are valuable life lessons to be learnt from a story covering a span of so many years. If any reader is inspired to trust in God, to excel in life, and to persevere in the face of adversity, this book would have achieved its purpose.

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