Propreneur : 7 Strategies On How To Leverage On Property To to Build Profitable Businesses

ISBN: 9789834280437
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Product Details

Publisher,Mastery Asia
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 450 g
No. of Pages,

In today’s volatile macro and micro economy and challenging market, real estate investment remains one of the best and most secured form of investment. However it is a fact that yield and ROI on property has been dropping over the last 2 years in Malaysia. Nowadays there are lots of properties un-tenanted, un-occupied and under-utilized eagerly looking for a way out.
KC See, founder and CEO of MasteryAsia together with Elizabeth Siew and Ahyat Ishak who are two of the most prominent property experts came out with a simple idea to connect various kinds of businesses with properties. From this inspiration, PROPRENEUR was born and various property industry experts will share with readers 7 strategies on how to leverage on property to build profitable businesses.
“PROPRENEUR” is a concept based on collaboration. It enables property owners, entrepreneurs and investors to come together to turn properties into profitable ventures. This book, titled PROPRENEUR, is itself based on collaboration. It is the collective effort of 10 experts coming together to pool their business knowledge and experience into a compilation of practical, real-world know-hows. It has to be a work of collaboration because it is unreal for one single person to be an expert in all these businesses.
The book has been designed as a comprehensive guide for property owners to productively turn their property into profitable ventures. To complement the valuable insights from seven selected entrepreneurs about their industry niches, we insert three additional chapters of information that cover the basics of business setup, how collaborations in the form of joint ventures can be implemented, and why you should start creating income from your property. As a DIY guidebook, PROPRENEUR is a book that every property owner should have.

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