Surprise! It's Gluten Free!

ISBN: 9781615649730
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Product Details

Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages,

Over 100 gluten-free recipes that will fool even the most finicky taste buds Finally, there's good news for people with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease: they can have their cake and eat it, too! If you crave cookies, cakes, pizzas, and everything in between, but you're overwhelmed byt he task of gluten-free baking and dissatisfied with the store-bought stuff, then Surprise! It's Gluten-Free! is your new best friend.

Confectionery mastermind Jennifer Fisher is here to help you stock your kitchen with all the goodies you miss, and then some. Steeped with comfort foods, special-occasion treats, holiday specialties, and everyday staples, this book allows everyone at the table to continue eating the foods they love. The twist no one saw coming? It's gluten-free! - Three exclusive options for homemade all-purpose flours blends--meticulously tested mixes of rice flours and other allergy-friendly starches--are the secret foundation for all of the perfectly textured gluten-free goods you'll be whipping up.

- Delicious entrées, pizzas, sides, breakfasts, breads, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies--family-approved options for every occasion.
- Insider techniques and secret ingredients for making creamy and thick sauces, crispy and browned proteins and veggies, and light, airy, and structured baked goods--all without touching a single grain of wheat!

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