Tunku: His Life and Times

ISBN: 9789679784954
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Product Details

Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages,

This is the authorized biography of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (1903-1990); it chronicles his royal ancestry, early childhood, education initiation into politics and culminating with his crowning achievement as the principal architect of Malaya's independence, while becoming famous as a patron of Asian football, local horseracing and traditional Malay culture. He did what no one else could have done then; he managed to transform Malaya from colonial administration to political independence and championed a policy of tolerance, moderation and intercommunal harmony.

Tunku's political intuition won instinctive trust from people of all races and walks of life. His message went straight to the hearts of all. His candour often rankled certain quarters and occasionally caused controversies he never intended. Those who came to know him realized he harboured no malice; he only wanted the best. For these and more, the prince of the royal house of Kedah deserves a unique in the annals of Malaysian history.

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Cik Rara
Kisah Tunku yang ramai tak tahu

Buku ni mungkin tidak seperti buku Conversation with Tunku Abdul Rahman yang memang popular, sebab buku tu berbentuk wawancara penulis dengan Almarhum tunku, tapi buku ni mengupas kisah hidup tunku dengan lebih details dengan pelbagai perkara yang tidak pernah didedahkan kepada umum. Walau apapun pandangan anda terhadap Bapa kemerdekaan negara ini, semuanya akan berubah bila anda menghabiskan buku ni. Sempena bulan kemerdekaan ni, buku ni boleh saya anggap bahan bacaan terbaik yang ada di MPH Online!

Syira Syed

An autobiography about our Father of Independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman. We've heard about him since our school days, we learned about him. You can't talk about independence without mentioning him. Basically this book is about his childhood days, his career in politics, how he transform Malaya into Malaysia and many more unheard stories. Very simple yet informative.