Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's Greatest Investor, 2E

ISBN: 9780470152621
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Product Details

Publisher,John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date,
Format, Hardcover
Weight, 309 g
No. of Pages,

This compilation of "life's little secrets" as interpreted by billionaire investment expert Warren Buffett presents down -to -earth investment anecdotes and plain-spoken common sense which provide insightful lessons with light-hearted appeal.

When Warren Buffett Speaks. . . people listen.

"If people want to improve their investing skills, it has to help to study how the Master does it. This short book outlines Buffett's philosophy and techniques."

-Peter S. Lynch

Fidelity Investments

"Common sense with a deft irony . . ."

-John C. Bogle

"It was Warren Buffett's thoughts and philosophy that first captivated investors. Janet Lowe has done us all a great service by collecting and arranging Warren Buffett's wit and wisdom in an easy-to-read and enjoyable book."

-Robert G. Hagstrom

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