An?lisis De La Conversaci?n
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 476.27 g
No. of Pages, 235
Anâalisis de la Conversaciâon provides the first comprehensive, Spanish-language introduction to the field of Conversation Analysis (CA), utilizing conversational data that is publicly available online. The book is organized in nine chapters. The opening chapters introduce Conversation Analysis as a unique theory and method to study language and other forms of conduct in social interaction. Readers are presented with a history of the development of this framework for analyzing interaction and introducedto the transcription system used in CA. The following chapters explore four key domains of organization within spontaneous conversation-turn-taking, preference, sequence, and repair-highlighting the importance of turn design practices in each. The authors then review the connection of these organizations and practices to social contexts and participant identities, and they conclude by suggesting a range of avenues for future research on Spanish conversation, including its relevance in specific legal, political, medical, and technological settings. Each chapter includes a variety of examples from authentic Spanish conversation, which readers can consult directly online. Each chapter is additionally accompanied by a set of questions and activities that allow readers to check and reinforce their understanding, as well as lists of additional readings for readers interested in more specific topics. Glossaries of technical vocabulary-both Spanish-English and English-Spanish-are included as appendices, along with a summary of transcription system notation. Written entirely in Spanish, this book presents a thorough and engaging introduction to Conversation Analysis and its applications. It is ideal for students, instructors, and researchers in Hispanic Studies, (Spanish) Linguistics, Sociology, and Communication Studies--