Magic Series Book 2: Systems & Energy
Publisher,Just Education
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages,
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Just Science Magic is a series of four books written based on the latest 2008 MOE Primary Science Syllabus which includes 5 themes: Diversity, Cycles, Systems, Interactions and Energy.
It is specially written to interest children to learn scientifi c concepts by appealing to their natural fascination with magic and illusion. Based on the premise that learning is most effective when children are engaged and self-motivated, the books have been edited to appeal to children's inborn sense of wonder and curiosity. The series aims to:
- Excite students into building up confi dence in creative problem-solving, decision-making and conducting investigative experiments.
- Enable students to acquire familiarity with answering questions testing the various process skills which are in accordance with the MOE syllabus.
- Enliven Science learning through an Inquiry-based learning approach.
A specific Process skill is introduced to students at the beginning of each chapter to familiarise them with that skill and solutions to sample questions testing the skill are provided to help students learn how to answer such questions.
A Chapter Summary in the form of a Concept Map is also included at the beginning of the chapter to help students to identify and learn the key concepts in the chapter.
2 Revision Papers have been included at the end of each book to help students consolidate and revise on what they have learnt for the topics covered in each book.
Answers at the back of each book are presented in a Marking Scheme format devised according to actual marking schemes of school examination papers. This provides parents with a useful guide on how marks are awarded so as to allow them to better grade and guide their children's work. Through step-by-step instructions in the Just Magic pages, students will learn how to perform simple magic tricks and appreciate how scientifi c concepts can be applied in performing magic tricks.
Each book also has a Just Magic DVD containing performances and teaching of magic tricks by a professional magician. These include special tricks selected from the book and many more!