Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages,
New Syllabus Mathematics (NSM) is a series of textbooks specially designed to provide valuable learning experiences to engage the hearts and minds of students sitting for the GCE O level examination in Mathematics. Included in the textbooks are Investigation, Class Discussion, Thinking Time, Journal Writing, Performance Task and Problems in Real-world Contexts to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics.
Interesting stories about mathematicians, real-life examples and applications are used to arouse students' interest and curiosity so that they can appreciate the beauty of Mathematics in their surroundings.
ICT is used where appropriate, to help students visualise and manipulate mathematical objects more easily, thus making the learning of mathematics more interactive.
Key Features:
Chapter Opener
Each chapter begins with a chapter opener to arouse students' interest and curiosity in learning the topic.
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives help students to be more aware of what they are about to study so that they can monitor their own progress.
Relevant prerequisites will be revisited at the beginning of the chapter or at appropriate junctures so that students can build upon their prior knowledge, thus creating meaningful links to their existing schema.
Worked Examples
This shows students how to apply what they have learnt to solve related problems and how to present their working clearly. Problem-solving heuristics are included to guide students on approaching Mathematics problems. For ease of use, a suitable heading is included in brackets to distinguish between the different Worked Examples.
Practise Now
At the end of each Worked Example, a similar question will be provided for immediate practice. Where appropriate, this includes further questions of progressive difficulty.
Similar Questions
A list of similar questions in the Exercise is given here to help teachers choose questions that students can do on their own.
The questions are classified into three levels of difficulty – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.
At the end of each chapter, a succinct summary of the key concepts is provided to help students consolidate what they have learnt.
Revision Exercise
This is included after every few chapters to help students assess their learning.
Challenge Yourself
Optional problems are included at the end of each chapter to challenge and stretch high ability students to their fullest potential.
Learning experiences have been infused intoInvestigation, Class Discussion, Thinking Time, Journal Writing and Performance Task.
Activities are included to guide students to investigate and discover important mathematical concepts so that they can construct their own knowledge meaningfully.
Class Discussion
Questions are provided for students to discuss in class, with the