The Abduction
Publisher,Vanguard Press
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 250 g
No. of Pages,
Ben Brice is a drunk living alone in the New Mexico wilderness, where he custom builds furniture and battles memories of Vietnam with oceans of Jim Beam. Miles away in Texas, his estranged son, John, an Internet geek-turned-billionaire, half-watches his daughter Gracie's soccer game while on his cell phone. When her mother Elizabeth arrives, the coach reports that her "uncle" has already collected Gracie. But Gracie has no uncle-she was kidnapped. From international bestselling author Mark Gimenez comes a terrifying child-in-jeopardy thriller in which dark family secrets make the finding of missing ten-year-old Gracie Brice more uncertain with every passing minute. And so begins a furious race against time to save Gracie from unknown kidnappers. With the FBI camped out in the Brice mansion, the family offers a reward of $25 million. Somehow, Ben and John must find Gracie before it is too late. As the story unfolds with dramatic twists and turns, the reader discovers that behind the kidnapping is an extraordinary government plot to assassinate the President of the United States. And time is running out....