The Little World of Liz Climo
Publication Date,
Format, Hardcover
Weight, 566 g
No. of Pages,
Artist Liz Climo has charmed her fans with her comic world of whimsical animal characters, where everyone from grizzly bears, dinosaurs, rabbits, and anteaters grapple with everyday life with wit and humor. Through her comics, we discover that an armadillo can dress for Halloween, a dinosaur can be a loving parent ... and a rhino can squeeze orange juice! This new collection features more than 100 of her comics, starring her beloved characters in all kinds of funny situations, from celebrating holidays to helping friends.
A nice gift for your friends or yourself if you appreciate good clean humor.
This so cute 🥰 not just every joke made me smile, but it's still a great comic.
I recommend to anyone, who wants some sweet minutes in your life.
These comics might feel like short jokes, but they speak volumes of who we are. That is something most books can't do. The art is simple and beautiful.
Simple, amusing and fun, the comics in this book are a great way to give yourself a little burst of happiness/laughter. This book was adorable in the cutest most honest ways! Cute, funny, and uplifting.
The character in the books is very cute and very heartwarming. Also, they embrace each other differences make this book more fun. Light reading material that is suitable for everyone who need a stress free reading.