The Mysterious Mr Quin
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Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
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Shelf: Fiction Books / Crime & Mysteries / Crime & Mystery
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It had been a typical New Year's Eve party. But as midnight approaches, Mr. Satterthwaite - a keen observer of human nature - senses that the real drama of the evening is yet to unfold. And so it proves when a mysterious stranger knocks on the door. Who is this Mr. Quin?
Mr. Satterthwaite's new friend is an enigma. He seems to appear and disappear almost like a trick of the light. In fact, the only consistent thing about him is that his presence is always an omen - sometimes good, but sometimes deadly....
The Harley Quin mysteries are a special case. They are mysteries in a special sense, not of the who done it variety. Coincidence is actually a plot requirement because the plots always flirt with the supernatural. I like them.
The Mysterious Mr Quinn has to be Christie’s strangest novel. The short stories in it are a combination mystery and romantic melodrama. Mr Quinn has to be the oddest character Christie has ever created. He is not a detective. But he always shows up when people are in trouble. I think he is either the Grimm reaper or some kind of Angel.
Unlike other Agatha Christie novels, this one was written in a very unusual style. This collection of stories appealed to me because it included a unique detective technique that led to an unusual conclusion.
This book is really interesting. different mystery in every chapter and solving.