Yeast Connection Handbook: How Yeasts Can Make You Feel Sick All Over and the Steps You Need to Take to Regain Your Health
Publisher,Square One Publishing
Publication Date,
Format, Paperback
Weight, 420 g
No. of Pages,
Most people don't realize how many health disorders can be caused by yeast. Fatigue, headache, depression, digestive problems, PMS, sexual dysfunction, asthma, ADHD, and autism can all be yeast-related. But once you recognize that yeast is the offender, what can you do to regain your health?
The Yeast Connection Handbook is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about yeast-related problems. The book is comprehensive, not only discussing a wide range of health disorders, but also addressing a wide range of sufferers, including men, women, and children. Most important, this book provides a step-by-step program that effectively relieves health problems through dietary changes, nutritional supplements, medication, and simple lifestyle changes. If you've been looking for a solution to your yeast-related problem, The Yeast Connection Handbook provides the information you need to take charge of your health.